Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Almost Voodoo--The Science of a Bending Soccer Ball (Part 2)

In my quest to comprehend the secrets of a bending ball, I stumbled upon SoccerNASA, an online soccer kick simulation program developed, oddly enough, by the folks at NASA. Apparently the intent of this program is to encourage student interest in the study of aerodynamics. Anyway it’s a wonderful thing, and further proof, if proof was wanting, that this is a great country.

As you may recall from my last post, I used Luis Suarez’s brilliant goal in the Uruguay v South Korea World Cup match as the paradigm for how to bend a soccer ball. To review...Suarez received the ball at the left side of the box, pushed the ball to his right, and struck it at the edge of the penalty box about midway between the penalty arc and the left side of the box. Professor John Eric Goff, who analyzed World Cup goals for the Wall Street Journal, estimated that Suarez’s shot left his foot at 54 mph and bent 8.7 feet from a straight trajectory before it hit the far post and rebounded into the goal.

It seems a reasonable extension of my original (nerdy) inquiry into Suarez’s goal to model it using the SoccerNASA program. The program allows you to simulate a direct free kick by varying conditions related to a ball’s flight such as starting position relative to goal, velocity, spin, spin axis, vertical angle of kick, and altitude. Technically the ball was moving when Suarez kicked it, but not so fast that it differs appreciably from a free kick (at least for my purposes here).

SoccerNASA simulation of Suarez kick--top view, no spin.
Note the ball misses the far post by about 9 ft.
 Using SoccerNASA I set it up so that without any spin Suarez’s ball would have missed the far post by about 9 feet (relatively easy to do as this is half the depth of the goalie box). The program allowed me to select the actual Uruguay v S. Korea match location of Port Elizabeth, South Africa (197 feet above sea level). I set the spin axis at -10° from vertical, assuming that the natural motion of a kick imparts a small amount of top spin (0° from vertical is pure side spin). Then I ran the simulator with different vertical angles and spin (rpm) until I found a combination where the ball just curled into the goal at the far post, i.e., it “looked” like Suarez’s goal.
SoccerNASA simulation of Suarez kick--top view, 310 rpm spin

SoccerNASA simulation of Suarez kick--field view, 310 rpm spin
 The combination of spin and vertical angle that best recreates Suarez’s goal is 18.5° and 310 rpm. The ball never exceeds the height of the goal (8 ft) and strikes the far post about 4 feet above the ground. From the moment the ball was kicked the goalkeeper had 1.2 seconds to react.

Almost all models based on theory involve some simplifying assumptions. SoccerNASA assumes that a kicked soccer ball typically travels fast enough that the boundary layer of air around it falls in the turbulent flow regime, i.e., faster than about 30 mph. Previously I suggested (as have many others) that the transition from a turbulent to a laminar (smooth) boundary layer accounts for some of the eccentric movement of balls in flight. For Suarez’s goal the original assumption appears reasonable as drag only slows the ball from 54 to 39 mph over the 24 yard flight.

Two empirical constants, the drag coefficient, Cd, and the lift coefficient, Cl, account for the real world behavior of a soccer ball as opposed to an ideal smooth sphere in flight. Wind tunnel tests demonstrate that the drag coefficient for a rough sphere (a sports ball) in laminar boundary layer flow is about 0.5. As air speed changes the boundary layer flow to turbulent, the drag coefficient drops to 0.25. The lift coefficient for a soccer ball is also about 0.25 and to my knowledge doesn’t change with flow regime.
Data table--SoccerNASA simulation of Suarez kick

In the SoccerNASA program the change in a ball’s flight behavior could be accomplished by changing the drag coefficient, Cd, from 0.25 to 0.5 at the appropriate point in a ball’s flight, but this potentially gets complicated as different makes of soccer balls may transition between laminar and turbulent flow at different speeds. For instance, the new Jabulani ball used at the 2010 World Cup likely flies differently than the traditional 32-panel stitched ball.

The drag and lift forces are also dependent on the ball’s velocity—lift is a function of velocity, drag is a function of velocity squared. As a consequence the lift and drag forces on the spinning ball are changing throughout its flight at different rates (see table above). No wonder a goalkeeper may have trouble following a well-struck bending ball.

Suarez scored his goal in Port Elizabeth, almost at sea level. World Cup games were also played in Johannesburg at 5,558 ft above sea level (higher than Denver). If Suarez strikes the ball identically in Johannesburg, it generates less lift and less drag. His shot goes wide. The match goes into overtime.

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